For Tom Horton, the Nanticoke River and the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been home for more than half a century. He has, as he puts it, been telling the story of what has been happening here environmentally, warning of its decline, and advocating for restoring and enhancing the area’s special beauty and cultural worth. And Westside Historical Society is especially happy to share his message with everyone who also loves this area when Horton speaks about his life’s work on May 26 at Layton’s Chance Winery.
This is the second of the Authors on Delmarva book talk series of 2017, presenting writers who live on Delmarva and write about Delmarva! The program will begin at 5 with a chance to “meet and greet” Tom Horton, followed by his remarks about 5:45, and questions and remarks following. There will be light refreshments and a chance to purchase signed copies of Horton’s works. The program is free and open to the public; reservations are not required but for further information call Westside Historical Society at 410-726-8047 or email , or phone Laura Layton at Layton’s Chance Winery at 410-228-1205.
Horton to speak at book and wine event