Gov Hogan Executive Order: Beer Wine & Liquor Can Now Be Delivered

Gov Hogan Executive Order: Beer Wine & Liquor Can Now Be Delivered

March 19, 2020 – Gov Hogan made an Executive Order today that allows for beer, wine, and liquor to be sold as carry-out and delivery, provided the other stipulations that have been put in place are followed:
  1. Social Distancing Recommendations by the Maryland Department of Health are adhered to;
  2. All alcohol laws are followed related to sales limits (which, for Class 5 breweries and Class 1 distilleries, have been temporarily suspended), age verifications and record keeping;
  3. Any requirements for state license holders imposed on such activities by the Comptroller of Maryland; and
  4. Any additional requirements for a local license holder that is imposed by Local Liquor Boards for this activity.

Restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, distilleries, and other entities holding a state or local license to manufacture or sell alcoholic beverages may deliver off premises.

The new circumstance does not mean anything goes. Please see regulations:

Here is a link to the executive order.

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